Installation Guide (Mac, Windows)
Mac OS Installation Guide
1. Locate and download Mac OS .dmg file

2. Locate and double-click the .dmg file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)

3. A dialog box will appear. Follow the instructions to install the software.

Windows Installation Guide
1. Locate and download Windows .exe file

2. Locate and double-click the .exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)

3. A dialog box will appear. Follow the instructions to install the software.

4. Before using .exe without interruption, find device managers on window search.

5. Locate and find Universal Serial Bus Controllers

6. Locate USB Mass Storage Device ( Do this for your all your mining devices) and right click locate properties

7. Locate Power Management

8. Locate Allow the computer to run off this device to save power and deselect it

9. If you are using an USB Hub for your mining devices, Locate Generic USB Hub ( Do this for all your USB Hub)

10. Follow the same process on step 7 and 8
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